My friend and business partner (and now husband), Matthew Ferry, has it right; “You always get the essence.”
To be honest, when I heard him say it the first time years ago, I didn’t really get it. Actually, I didn’t WANT to get it. No, I wanted what I wanted and I wanted it my way… not the essence of it. Shit, Matthew, really? Dang.
Turns out, his way is better.
And when you combine “You always get the essence” with my “Why, that’s better than I could imagine” you end up in New Mexico, in an awarding winning uber modern, gorgeous 2400 sq ft home on 12 acres with a 360 degree view and the painting studio you’ve been dreaming about for years. Not bad.
Here’s the skinny. When I learned to set an intention and release that I have any idea how it will manifest, the loveliest and most unexpected things happen. Like moving to a state you’ve never been in, to a house you found on Craigslist.
When I decided I would move (and I was SURE I was going to SoCal), here’s what I intended:
- Modern design with inspired spaces (and ideally a loft)
- An outrageous view (first the water, and when that became cost prohibitive, the landscape)
- High-speed internet
- Sanctuary space and working space
- Quiet and privacy
I got all that plus the painting studio, a fabulous yard with incredible wildlife and a housekeeper (that’s been on my dream list for years – the owner of the house pays the housekeeper to come 2x a month. I about fell over when I learned this).
People ask me “why New Mexico” and the only answer I have is “I was lead here by the essence of my intention.”
Here’s the sunset from the house….
My new home is Abiquiu, New Mexico.

The Studio…

Doors to my office…

My time in Abiquiu was short, and one of the most powerful chapters of my life. It epitomized my personal mantra “Well, that was better than I could have imaged.”
1 Comment
WOW…You have come a long way my friend! I was telling a friend today about you and the wraps. She’s thinking of starting a bakery and naming it Gratitude. I don’t know why but it instantly made me think of you. I’m no long with Buffini and am focused on creating a new Midpoint for myself. I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well and hope to hear from you!