Every month I make 10 promises, and read them to my accountability group on our morning call. Here is my report card for 2011: Jan 63%, Feb 10%, Mar 30%, Apr 30%, Mar 70%, Jun 90%, Jul 80%, Aug 50%, Sept 80% Oct 80%, Nov 100%, Dec 90%. Each promise can include 1 to 100 actions (for example some things I promise daily, or 5x a week… in the first 6 months of the year I was promising 100 contacts a month for business development).
Overall I promised to do 1907 things over 12 months. I completed 1570, for a 82.3% average. But here’s what I am most excited about: From Jul to Dec I promised 422 actions, and I completed 386 of them…. that means over the past 6 months I have completed 91% of what I promise. This included buying a new car, and living in Laguna Beach for three weeks.
WTF is with Feb? Our accountability group took 2 weeks off, and my relationship to my promises crumbed. You can see it took 3 months to get back in the game after 2 weeks of no weekday accountability calls.
The point? Measuring is cool. Accountability rocks. And when you have a super tight relationship to your word and your promises, you can literally create whatever you want.
I owe ALL this to Matthew Ferry, Diane Medici, Josh Conzemius, and David Keesee. These rock stars make this insane level of commitment, promises and general bad-ass-ness possible in my life. I am forever grateful.
So here’s my question: What structures/people do you have that hold you accountable to what you say you want?