I have two men in my life who intrigue me endlessly. One is 67, the other 40. Both are super smart, loving, talented, charming and well, all round good guys. You’d want to know them, too. What makes them alike, despite the 27 years that separate them, is they seem to think they have to “figure life out.” By themselves. Alone. It baffles me. What is it about us that assumes we have to go it alone? Why do we think we have to “think” through life? Have you noticed that our opinions (what we think) tend to make us…
Author: Kristen Marie Schuerlein Ferry
my happiness is up to me so is yours problem is, we aren’t taught how to be happy the one thing we all want – this universal desire of people – isn’t taught. bizarre the cool part: happiness can be learned i know i have personally experienced losing it all and being the happiest i’ve ever been – at the same time ask me how
There are a few things I know for sure, here from the midpoint; 1. The next 40 years will NOT look like the next 40 years. Impossible. Yet most of us live by default. We think “This is how it is” “This is how it works” “This is what’s possible for my life” The problem and the solution is that you are right. What you say goes. What you say shows up. So, breaking free of how life “is” as we march forward into the next 40+ years takes a set of tools that we might not have just yet.…
Watched the Norwegian Pearl cruise ship pull out of port. Talked to my best friend from 5th grade. Talked to a dear friend who is ready to transform into her next expression, and is scared to step into the unknown. Cleared “greed” and “victim” that I picked up from a guy I know Listened to the Talking Heads – Stay Up Late – one of my favorite songs of all time Worked on LLC docs for a new company I am starting Listened to Power v Force by Dr David Hawkins Ate a chicken taco – left overs! Bought Scrubbing…
Sometimes the most alone moments are when surrounded by people you know. Do they? Know you. The more you know you, the more you are never alone. Even when no one is around.
When things aren’t working how we thought they would it’s easy to get into a state of worry and concern. (Which cracks me up, because we’re the ones who wanted the thing in the first place…. why don’t we give ourselves permission to want something else instead? Or extend the made-up deadline to give it time to show up. But that’s a different post altogether.) So, we are worried. We are concerned. We get ourselves into a state of panic, fear, uncertainty, and sometimes heavy-duty breakdown, rendering ourselves immobile. Why? Why do we get so attached to life being one…
there isn’t one. we know how it ends. either 6 feet under or ashes in the wind. either way, how do you want to play before you get there?
There are a couple of things I know in my bones – deep down – in the marrow. And this is one: Contributing to others – in a way that is meaningful to them – is the fastest way to unlock miracles in our own lives. And it can be the hardest thing to do when we are scared, worried and surrounded by seemingly insurmountable obstacles and challenges. No matter the circumstances of your life; Contribute. Be generous with your talents. Have the best interest of others at heart. Look for ways to help others get what they want in…
“Promise” may be one of the most constructive and destructive words in the English language. When we make a promise – no matter the size, depth or intent – we enter into a contract. First with ourselves, then with the promise itself, and ultimately with those who are impacted by it. I’ve just completed a full year of NLP training. And the hilarious part: learning NLP is the boobie prize. The real reason for the course is to learn how to set and keep promises. Yes, I said “learn.” After 12 months of making promises for the month, for the…
happy july 4th. did you know thomas jefferson was 33 when he helped pen the Declaration of Independence? it was the first time in history that a group of men ever declared themselves free from the oppression of other men. now that’s a big idea. today, with less effort, we can declare independence from the oppression of ourselves. wow.